Monday, December 17, 2012

What a difference a few weeks make!

It's been 2 weeks since I last showed you the progress on my new sewing room - that's because the results of that first week weren't very obvious. That's not the case now! They are pretty much finished outside with the construction work. It only needs paint, electrical plugs, light fixtures and gutters.
The sheet rock was delivered Friday afternoon and the guys started installing it after lunch today. Since my husband is home today taking some of his Christmas leave, I was able to run an errand after lunch. I was gone for about an hour and this is how much they had done on the ceiling by the time I got back!
I don't know if you can tell from my pictures that my new sewing room is BIG! It has worked out to be slightly over 500 sq. ft. I will have enough room to accommodate 4 to 6 students for a class! If you are interested in a specific class, just let me know.
When we decided to go ahead with the addition, my husband Allen asked if there could be a spot for him to sit and enjoy the room also. Well, of course, I agreed to this! The sitting area will be in front of the double window that looks into our kitchen.